Mission Statement:
To develop and improve an affordable device for use in dental surgery to alleviate gum tissue change, improve flow rate, eliminate noxious bleach fumes, and storage of caustic chemicals.

Mission Statement:
To create a new “environmentally-friendly” navigation method to address increasing concerns of motorists on rising fuel costs and pollutant emissions.

Mission Statement:
To design a mechanical pump system capable of accepting multiple types of fuels for a high efficiency engine in development.

Mission Statement:
To redesign a prototype of the Magic Flashlight from Eye Ear IT, Inc. adding newer technology in a more ergonomic form, to expand the customer demographic.

Mission Statement:
To research and develop a method of converting plastic to its oil form, to promote a cleaner environment and source of energy.

Mission Statement:
To develop a portable life support system for the purpose of supporting human life during field and laboratory testing for the University of North Dakota’s next generation space suit by May 2011.

Mission Statement:
To develop a wheelchair which facilitates the transfer of a patient to and from a bed with minimal caregiver assistance.

Mission Statement:
The mission of the Sustainable and Smart Traffic Signal Control team was to collect data, simulate existing network, design and evaluate alternative scenarios, and implement the best solution to decongest traffic and minimize pollutant emissions in downtown Hartford.

Mission Statement:
To identify the ultimate method of cooling for steam power plants, and to estimate the cost and loss of generation capacity if all of the steam power plants in Connecticut using once through condensers were switched to air cooled or cooling tower systems.

Mission Statement:
To design and create an affordable, efficient, wireless imaging device for dermatologic personal use.