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What can MET² do for you?

MET2 We are actively seeking a handful of new projects for the MET² Program from select manufacturers/entrepreneurs that have genuine challenges/problems they would like to have addressed, and in turn serve as advisors to the students working on their projects.


There is no cost to sponsors, except for certain materials. In return, sponsors will receive a team of dedicated mechanical and manufacturing engineering and technology students to work on their specific challenge/project. Sponsors must be ready and able to make resources available to students in regard to any questions/issues that may arise over the course of the project that they sponsor. Ideally projects should have a working timeline to be completed over the course of one academic semester.


Our student participants, from the previous Life Support & Sustainable Living (LSSL) Program, have assisted many small business people in designing, developing and producing prototypes as needed to meet the requests of their sponsors. In turn each of our previous sponsors has proved a valuable resource to our student participants.



MET² Download the Program Sponsor Solicitation PDF below.

Interested in sponsoring a project?

Let's talk.

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© 2024 Mechanical Engineering Technology & Manufacturing Engineering Technologies (MET²) Program. All rights reserved.


The Mechanical Engineering Technology & Manufacturing Engineering Technologies (MET²) is supported by the NSF ATE Program Grant, award number 1400610. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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